Friday, September 30, 2011


After watching the video titled "Baby", by Justin Bieber, the gender representations that are evident are female teenagers, and male teenagers. One may say they  interacted like any typical teenager would, they had the battle of the sexes in the bowling game and they they were having a great time. At the begging of the video one could see that Justin had an interest in one particular female, she how ever showed signs that she was not interested,  Justin been a male kept trying to get her attention until in the end they both walked off together as we all saw at the end of the video. While typical teenagers in other parts of the country do not meet in  bowling alleys, this video shows just how  teenagers of the 21st century has changed and that change is not always bad, they were having a good time and that's what mattered in the end. The collaboration between Justin and Ludacris the adult in the video shows that the music industry has become more accepting of teenage artiste, and the adults are not afraid to interact with them, and be apart of the new way of hip hop. In some cities in the country this video would be a actual reality but in majority of the cities its not so at all. Teenagers don't necessarily meet in such a way or interact like that unless they are in some concert setting or even a school show.